Best event you attended in 2016?
Bruna Kajiya: WKL – MaiTai Cabarete, it was a memorable one, the very first World Kitebaording League event, it was so exiting! We had a totally new competition format, event organization, and it all went so smoothly, it just felt right. Also Cabarete is a very special place, one of my favorites in the world, the vibrant culture and people make a great combination.
Best travel trip in 2016?
Bruna Kajiya: Richard’s Branson Necker Island, it’s a dream location, and one of the most stunning places I’ve been. But what is a great location without great company? Luckily on this trip I had the perfect combo, which made my experience in the island unforgettable. I did this trip at the beginning of the year, in January, that was a great start of the season and set the tone to the rest of the year.
Best Session?
Bruna Kajiya: The best session I had in 2016 was in Uruau- Brasil, during the ¨golden hour¨, that’s how we call the sunset sessions there, that spot it’s famous for amazing conditions at this time of the day. It was my first day and I was coming from Cauipe lagoon, which this year wasn’t working for left foot forward tricks. And Uruau if THE left foot forward tricks spot, I arrived there and everything just clicked, I landed my best backside 315 yet, on my first attempt.
Favorite instagram photo this year?
Bruna Kajiya: I love the feel of this picture, it’s very genuine to what I feel as soon as I go in the water, it’s one of those pictures that captures the entire experience being lived at that specific moment. It was taken during my trip to Necker Island so naturally the best instagram photo was taken on the best trip.
Favorite video you appeared in?
Bruna Kajiya: It’s the ¨Until the Last Drop¨, my personal experience and take in competition and working to be at the top od your sport- This video is part of a project I did for Google called Magic Minute, it’s about all that can happen in one minute, you can win a dream title, you can write the lyrics of a record winning album, fall in love… It’s an exiting and motivational video, I did the text for it so it’s very personal also.