Kitesurfing enthusiasts worldwide know Sam Light for his relentless spirit and unquenchable thirst for adventures. This time, Sam packed up all his kite equipment...
"Willem Hooft and Sam Light enjoying a classic Cape Town downwinder from Sunset to Doodles, sit-kiting, waveriding, jumping and kite looping all the way!...
 Kite Vlogging with Sam Light from the Spring 2021 Issue of Kitesurfing Magazine.
My most popular videos have been my...
Beyond the realm of traditional water sports, enthusiasts like Sam Light have been pushing boundaries, constantly finding innovative ways to harness the raw power...
The 2019 Wind Voyager Triple-S Invitational was a huge success! The world's best wakestyle kiteboarders battled it out for their share of the $70,000...
Light brings experience and character to the
newly-created position.
Slingshot Sports is pleased to announce longtime team rider Sam Light has been promoted to the newly...