Best travel trip in 2016?
Eric Rienstra: The best trip I went on in 2016 was to the Philippines. It was my first time ever in Asia and I visited both the Republic and Camp Sur cable parks as well as the Blue Palawan resort and Kite Park. It was so great to ride a Kite Park in a tropical place, most of the other ones in the world can get a bit cold.
Best Session
Eric Rienstra: the best session I had was a secret mission in Hood River with my Real Watersports teammate Brandon Scheid. He had scouted this spot that no one rides at because there is usually not beach to launch from but that day the water was super low and exposed a sandbar as well as a bunch of huge logs that we could slide on. Getting out away from the crowd and exploring new places is one of the best parts of kiteboarding.
Best event you attended in 2016?
Eric Rienstra: The best event I attended was the Wind Voyager Triple S hosted by Real Watersports in Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. This year we finally got some really good Southwest wind and the level of riding went off with the most riders landing 720s ever. There was also the usual barrage of live music and parties that the event is known for.
Favorite instagram photo?
Eric Rienstra: My favorite instagram photo was this one posted by @kiteparkleague of Karolina taking the North Rooftop at the Real Kite Park straight to the face during Triple S. I mean everyone likes to see a crash more than a landing right?
WE BE JAMMIN from Vincent Bergeron on Vimeo.