On Saturday 16 November I set the Woo world record with a jump of 33.9m! This video tells you about that jump, answers some questions and gives you my best pointers on how to do MASSIVE jumps using kickers. I’m a big air coach and I’m hosting 5 clinics this season in Cape Town, so you can come and work on your big air kitesurfing with me! Niiiaaawww!
Book a BIG AIR and OLD SCHOOL CLINIC: https://www.gethighwithmike.com/coach…
Follow me on Instagram (I’m super active there): https://www.instagram.com/gethighwith…
Facebook: https://fb.me/gethighwithmike
Website: https://www.gethighwithmike.com/
Thanks for filming brother! https://www.instagram.com/majcyy/
Gear I ride:
CORE Xr 7,8,9,13.5. Sensor 2s Pro Bar (22 and 26m mainly). Carved Imperator 135cm. CORE CARVED Imperator. Choice 3 135cm. CORE Comfort Union straps.
Ride Engine Elite Carbon Harness (Small) with 8 inch spreader bar
Ride Engine Empax Impact Vest (Small)