Need to know (quick facts)
Airport Code: TAB
Average wind strength: 14-22 knots
Best Months: Mid Dec to Mid June
Cost Factor: Mid
Local Centre:Â Radical Sports
Local pros: Orion Jakerov,...
Kitesurfing Magazine asked Craig Cunningham to share his top 5 flat water destinations. As part of the North international team, Craig Cunningham has travelled all over...
Closest airport: Miami International Airport and Key West International Airport
Best wind:Â October to May
Average wind: 15 to 25 knots
Hotels: Check Price and Availability
Top riders:...
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With over 1,350 miles of shoreline to choose from, Florida provides rich and varied kiteboarding for year-round riding. Everything...
words and photos by Jacqueline d’Entremont
One afternoon while walking through a shopping centre my eyes glanced at this large world map an artist had...
by Eric Girard
Home to New Brunswick’s largest fishing fleet, Shippagan Les Iles has its own culture based on the fishing industry. You’ll find the...