“After winning my first Triple-S I decided to treat myself and stay on an extra four days at the Real Park. The forecast looked prime and luckily Toby Bromwich was there for an extra few days. This particular shot (Nose HSFS 360) was after a full day of riding in the Slick. We finished off with a mega kicker set and Pierre Vogel, Noe Font, Craig Cunningham, Colleen Carroll, Eric Rienstra and myself sent it hard for two hours and rolled through all the different grab variations we could think of. Toby, being the dedicated photographer he is, stayed out till the last bit of light, being sure to capture every angle on every feature before the day was done. Looking through the pics at the end of the day it was like we had been shooting for a week. It was a proper all-out session that left all of us sore and beaten up for days to come.”—Ewan Jaspan
Rider: Ewan Jaspan
Photographer: Toby Bromwich
Location: Waves, North Carolina