We can only describe this idea as brilliant. Takes care of the zero to 6-knot days for us kiters! Designer Dom Montague is best known as one of kitesurfing’s original pioneers, as the original kite designer at Naish. He has been busy experimenting and inventing: working on kite boats and hydrofoils. That work has led his design team at Kai Concepts to this awesome next step, an electric hydrofoil called the Jet Foiler!
This could be the ultimate no wind toy. A smooth efficient foil combined with a silent electric motor.
Be sure to check out our Foilboarding page for related kite foiling articles and videos.
I just posted my plans for starting my diy efoil build on my blog if you are interested in following along – See http://www.diy-electric-hydrofoil.com/build-professional-low-cost-electric-diy-efoil-surfboard/ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3d01c064dd98d0e8d843b12809a5ea31b055739916f4dd107b7dbbcae1c1090f.jpg